Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Спектакль "Ана Мираси"

Фотография Вадима Соловьева сцены из спектакля "Ана Мираси" в Государственном Уйгурском театре музыкальной драмы и комедии имени Куддуса Кужамьярова. На фото сцена, когда к Гюли пришли подруги поддержать ее после ареста Турсуна. A photograph by Vadim Solovyev of a scene from play "Ana Mirasi" (Mother's Will) at the State Uyghur Theater of Musical Drama and Comedy named after Kuddus Kuzhamyarov. On the photo: a scene, when friends visit Guli to support her after Tursun's arrest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Durnyam,

Thank you for your lovely book 'The Mother's Will'. I found out about your book during the Literature Festival from your son's presentation in London. The story you described in the book is very similar to the story of my grandmother, Khadicha Tairova, who had lots of suffering during Stalin's regime due to her marriage to Ismail Mansurovich Tairov (killed in 1937 for nothing). You probably know him.
I think your book deserves to be turned into a film. Wishing you and your family good health and happiness! All the very best in the New Year! Rosa Vercoe (Tairova)